Seventh-Day Adventist Church

Porterville Adventist Church Porterville California

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Ministry Projects in Our Church

Our church has a number of ongoing ministries. Several of them can be found in other links on the menu. But here is an overview of some others. You will be welcomed to participate in any of the projects these ministries are involved in.

Looking for something a bit different? Then create your own ministry. For ideas see the Volunteering menu item.

Dorcas Club

Led by Vera Kleam the group keeps alive the craft of quilting. It begins by piecing blocks of material into a design and ends in a finished quilt. Most are baby quilts, some are lap quilts or larger. Most are donated to Porterville Family Care for young mothers in need of a warmth for their newborns. The group meets Wednesday mornings throughout the year. You can join them and learn the craft.

Street Feeders

This group feeds anyone who is hungry in Porterville. In cooperation with other churches in town, our group provides the food on the third Saturday of each month. (More detail will be added shortly).

Women's Ministry

This group meets once a month for fellowship and ministry. One of their special projects is keeping contact with shut-ins. This is an open fellowship and all women and girls are welcome.

Deaf Ministry

We have a dedicated group whose ministry is translating our services on Saturday mornings into the American Sign Language for those who are unable to hear the pastor's words. Some members also enjoy "signing" the music. We welcome our deaf friends to come benefit from this spiritual nurture.

Elsewhere on this site check out

Bible Study groups

Children's Ministry
