Seventh-Day Adventist Church

Porterville Adventist Church Porterville California



Children & Youth

Saturday Morning Bible Classes

We provide an hour of programming for children every Saturday morning starting at 9:30 am. Caring volunteers who tailor God’s message to teach children starting at birth. Leaders use character building stories, Bible stories, music and age-appropriate activities to teach religious values and an appreciation for Jesus.  The children are also given materials parents can use at home in their family devotional time with their children. Classes meet in classrooms off the courtyard. 

  • Time: Saturday, 9:30-10:30
  • Leader: various by age groups

Kids Church

Kids love their own church. The “sermons,” songs and activities are on their own level. And through it all they learn to love Jesus. Kids are encouraged to bring their neighborhood friends to Kid’s Church also.

  • Time: Usually the 3nd Saturday of each month
  • Leader: Kathy Lockwood

Adventurer Club

The Adventurer Club is a Seventh-day Adventist Church-sponsored ministry open to all families of children ages 4 to 9. The Adventurer Club provides fun and creative ways to support parents in assisting their children with the challenging task of developing fully as followers of Christ in today’s world.

  • Time: Tuesday, 6:30 p.m.
  • Leader: Velma Motsenbocker

Pathfinder Club

The Pathfinder Club is part of a world-wide co-ed scouting type organization sponsored by the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Juniors and teens 10 years old and up are all welcome to join. Active members enjoy club meetings, camping and service adventures designed to develop Christ-like citizens. Pathfinders is for skill building, outdoor adventure, and fun for young people.

  • Time: Tuesdays, 6:30 p.m. (except summer)
  • Leader: Carol Rose

Vacation Bible School

Kids relive the experience of Bible stories by visiting a town or village with its tastes, smells and activities to make the Bible story real. Adults enjoy setting up the props and stage so the children get a realistic feel of the Bible times. The church courtyard and classrooms are transformed into a mini village.

  • Time: August 6-11, 2012, late afternoon and evening
  • Leader: Jonathan Kurts

Kids In Discipleship

Disciples are people who spends time with Jesus daily, trusts Him to shape our lives and then disciples others. Recognizing that parents are the primary mentors of their children, Kids in Discipleship helps train and equip parents to lead their children and youth in their journey with God.

For more information on any group, please call the church office: (559) 784-6031